Friday, April 22, 2011

Good Friday

One of the things that always seemed kind of twisted and morbid was calling a day of remembrance of Christ's crucifixion---Good Friday. Good Friday? What is so good about it? Jesus was taunted, spat on, mocked, beaten, whipped, stripped of his dignity and then had to carry the heavy cross that he would be nailed to and die on with a thorny crown pressed into the scalp of his head.

As Father Corapi has said, when we look at The Cross--we see the greatest evil and the greatest good. That the creature kills The Creator but The Creator dies for us out of love. Christ suffered a brutal death so that our sins could be forgiven and so that he could understand any pain and suffering we might ever go through in our lives.

This is why Good Friday truly was Good Friday. Sometimes we fail to understand or see the goodness and love of God. For just as in his crucifixion, often times bad things happen to bring a greater good out of it. The greater good here is Christ leaving us with the ultimate example of love.

And remember Christ died out of love for us so willingly. When he was about to be betrayed by Judas with a kiss on the cheek to identify him to Roman authorities looking to arrest him--What did Jesus say to Judas?

Matthew 26:50: "Do what you came for, friend"

Easter should remind of us of many things. But probably most important:

Friend, do what HE came for--LOVE

We sometimes get too caught up in the everyday minutiae of life that we forget to love.

Peace to you,

© Michael J. Cox